Bed cards & POS
Adding plant information adds value on the shop floor. Bed cards and point of sale (POS) are established routes to inspire, educate and inform consumers browsing the plant area.
Three ways to bed cards:
Bespoke: A fully personalised service to you, using as much of the Floramedia image library and content bank as required in whatever design works for your branding and customer experience. Printed in whatever format and size works for you.
Pre-designed and pre-printed: stock bed cards in thousands of varieties available to order from our web shop, images and generic information designed to work with all plant labels.
FloraPOD: the flexible self-print subscription bed card and poster service. FloraPOD offers retailers instant online access to thousands of bed cards complete with plant information and high quality images. Self print means greater control so you can be retail ready at the click of a button.
- Formats designed to engage all gardeners with easy to read plant information
- Cost effective solution
- Industry standard sizes available
- Proven commercial success
- High quality inspiring images for all seasons
- Varying styles and print options available
- Easy access solutions for all retail settings
Cost effective, quick, flexible and aesthetically pleasing